Qatar Highway Design Manual

Qatar Highway Design Manual downloads at - Download qatar highway design manual 2007 at - Download free pdf files. QATAR HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL PDF PDF. A backup is the action of saving the content of your important eBook. The Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM) was prepared in response to Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV) and in recognition of Qatar's commitment to a long-term plan to develop an integrated public transport network that supports the transition of Qatar from a vehicle trip-based society to a modern, sustainable, multi-modal society. ♦ Roadway Design Manual Format ♦ External Reference Documents 2. Design Exceptions, Design Waivers, Design Variances, and Texas Highway Freight Network (THFN) Design Deviations ♦ Overview ♦ Design Exceptions ♦ Design Waivers ♦ Design Variances ♦ Texas Highway Freight Network (THFN) Design Deviations ♦ 3. Schematic Layouts ♦ 4. The Ministry of Transport (MoT) has updated the Qatar Highway Design Manual, and Qatar Traffic Manual, in co-operation with key partners, taking into account Thursday, December 10, 2020 4:00 PM. (t) The Qatar Traffic Manual (QTM) and Qatar Highway Design Manual (QHDM) prepared by the Ministry of Public Works. (u) Drafting Standards prepared by Public Works Authority. (v) Construction Dewatering Guidelines, March 2014 prepared by Public Works Authority B.

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Qatar Highway Design Manual Ashghal

Engineering Division -
Office of Design

Highway Design Manual

Link to Chapter Number and NameRevisionDate
HDM Table-of-Contents9409/01/20
1 - Purpose7803/28/14
2 - Design Criteria9203/16/20
3 - Typical Sections4407/09/04
4 - Design Criteria & Guidance for Bridge Projects on Low Volume Highways3602/05/99
5 - Basic Design9203/16/20
6 - Interchanges1207/16/02
7 - Resurfacing, Restoration And Rehabilitation (1R, 2R & 3R) 9203/16/20
8 - Highway Drainage9105/31/18
9 - Soils, Walls, and Foundations7509/15/13
10 - Roadside Design, Guide Rail and Appurtenances9203/16/20
11 - Signs, Signals and Delineation9303/16/20
12 - Highway Lighting2408/04/95
13 - Utilities8408/03/15
14 - Orders,Resolutions, and Agreements9009/01/17
15 - Maintenance Jurisdiction1605/01/83
16 - Work Zone Traffic Control9409/01/20
17 - Bicycle Facility Design 8306/24/15
18 - Pedestrian Facility Design8904/26/17
19 - Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts and Similar Structures9203/16/20
20 - CADD Standards and Procedures9203/16/20
21 - Contract Plans, Specifications and Estimates9203/16/20
22 - Engineering Software Settings and Resources5411/10/08
23 - Railroads3903/15/02
24 - Mobility Measures3205/04/98
25 - Traffic Calming3602/05/99
26 - Vacant--
27 - Highway Rest Areas and Roadside Parking Areas5809/01/10
28 - Landscape Architecture and Community Design for Transportation6802/20/13
HDM Revision Log
Chapter Revision Histories

Announcements of Additions and Revisions.

Additions, revisions and errata corrections to the HDM are announced by Engineering Bulletins (EBs). EBs can be found by using the EIEB application.


The entire HDM may be downloaded, free of charge, by clicking on the individual chapter links above. Each .pdf file includes all the graphics pertinent to the individual chapters. To read or download the HDM files you need the Adobe. Acrobat. Reader, version 4.0 or higher installed on your computer.


The primary functions of the Highway Design Manual (HDM) are to: (1) provide design criteria, requirements, and guidance on highway design methods and policies which are as current as practicable, and (2) assure uniformity in the application of design practices throughout the New York State Department of Transportation consistent with the collective experience of the Department of Transportation, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the Federal Highway Administration. The Highway Design Manual, originally issued in July 1972 and March 1973, has been revised over 70 times. Old versions are available through the link to the HDM Revision Log.


The HDM is the primary source of guidance for detailed highway design. It is also frequently referred to in the scoping stage and preliminary design phase and occasionally referred to for some construction issues. The context for the HDM includes the following points.

  • Along with the HDM, the processes that should be followed and studies that should be performed are covered in documents such as the Project Development Manual (formerly the Scoping Procedure Manual and the Design Procedure Manual) and the Environmental Procedures Manual.
  • Issuing an HDM is a significant undertaking. Consequently, some changes to the design guidance may be issued via Engineering Instructions and may subsequently be incorporated into an HDM revision. Designers are advised to check not only the most recent revision of the relevant HDM chapter, but also the subsequent Engineering Instructions that may relate to the subject of interest in order to determine the current guidance on a given subject.
  • The HDM is the primary design guidance used by NYSDOT designers for highways they are responsible for designing. It generally does not govern the design work performed by county and municipal designers, unless they choose to adopt it as their design guidance.
  • Additional design guidance is provided in a number of national publications issued by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Organizations (AASHTO) and others. However, while the HDM is generally aligned with the guidance in those documents and occasionally refers to them, where there is differing guidance, the HDM should be considered the governing document.